Constitution & Bylaws

GLMTA Constitution and Bylaws

(Adopted Oct. 27, 2023, to go into effect Sept. 2024)

Upcoming Events


Sept. 13-14: KMTA State Conference at WKU
Sept. 27 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at Bellarmine (Welcome back!)
Oct. 5: KMTA State Honor’s Recital at UofL
Nov. 1 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at Bellarmine (Paul Brock Band)
Nov. 23: GLMTA Music Fun Fair at UofL
Jan. 10 Jan. 24 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at David Doran’s house (NOTES: Legato, Staccato, and Regular)
Jan. 24-26: KMTA All-State Piano Ensemble Event at Bellarmine
Feb. 21 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at Bellarmine (Gabe Evens)
Mar. 15-19: MTNA Conference in Minneapolis, MN
Apr. 25 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at Bellarmine (sightreading roundtable discussion)
May 10: KMTA Keyboard Festival at UofL

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Kentucky Music Teachers Association (KMTA)

Music Teachers National Association (MTNA)

American College of Musicians

National Federation of Music Clubs